VCT substantially improves imaging of vascularization in tumors and offers a promising tool for preclinical studies of tumor angiogenesis and antiangiogenic therapies.
Peripheral neuropathy in NF-1 patients is a marker for poorer prognosis and mandates heightened vigilance for malignancy and spinal cord complications.
Merck announced on September 30th that it is voluntarily withdrawing rofecoxib (Vioxx) from the worldwide market.
O'Mathuna DP. Creatine to improve muscle strength. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(11):128-131.
Greenfield RH. Acunpuncture for PONV. Altern Med Alert 2004;7(11):131-132.
A retrospective study of 24,112 patients with coronary heart disease showed increased 30-day mortality in patients who received one or more blood transfusions for anemia compared to comparable patients not transfused.
Do as I say, not as I do. The occupational health nurse is quick to point out to workers when too many long hours are detrimental, but the nurse is likely to be putting in just as many hours, if not more.
Whether to meet continuing education requirements, get a better job, or to satisfy a personal desire to improve in the profession, occupational health nurses always are looking for opportunities for professional development.
Areas of health care specialty are all competing for a limited pool of nurses, but a pair of programs are hoping to introduce nurses and nursing students to the field of occupational health and safety.